SPEMBLY MEDICAL LIMITED - C/O Corporation Service Company (Uk) Limited, 5 Churchill Place, 10th Floor, London, E14 5HU, United Kingdom
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 02087534
- Company Status
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Registered Address
- C/O Corporation Service Company (Uk) Limited
- 5 Churchill Place, 10th Floor
- London
- E14 5HU
- United Kingdom C/O Corporation Service Company (Uk) Limited, 5 Churchill Place, 10th Floor, London, E14 5HU, United Kingdom UK
- Managing Directors
- MOSEBROOK, Jeffrey Alan
- SWISS, Timothy Scott
- Company secretaries
Company Details
- Type of Business
- ltd
- Incorporated
- 1987-01-07
- Age Of Company 1987-01-07 38 years
- 86900
- Beneficial Owners
- -
- Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corporation
- -
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- Active
- Previous Names
- Filing of Accounts
- Due Date: 2024-09-30
- Last Date: 2022-12-31
- Annual Return
- Due Date: 2024-10-01
- Last Date: 2023-09-17
- SPEMBLY MEDICAL LIMITED is a ltd registered in United Kingdom with the Company reg no 02087534. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 1987-01-07. It was previously called INTEGRA NEUROSCIENCES LIMITED. It has declared SIC or NACE codes as "86900". It has 2 directors and 1 secretary. The latest accounts are filed up to 2022-12-31.It can be contacted at C/o Corporation Service Company (Uk) Limited .
Get SPEMBLY MEDICAL LIMITED Register ReportAnnual AccountsShareholder ListArticles of AssociationBeneficial Owners Check
You are here: Spembly Medical Limited - C/O Corporation Service Company (Uk) Limited, 5 Churchill Place, 10th Floor, London, E14 5HU, United Kingdom
- 1987-01-07
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for SPEMBLY MEDICAL LIMITED as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year
Shareholder List
Details on the shareholders
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Beneficial Owners Check
Beneficial Owners details
Official Filings
Company filings direct from the official registry.
keyboard_arrow_down 2024
cessation-of-a-person-with-significant-control (2024-09-06) - PSC07
notification-of-a-person-with-significant-control (2024-09-06) - PSC02
termination-secretary-company-with-name-termination-date (2024-05-30) - TM02
keyboard_arrow_right 2023
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2023-10-10) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2023-09-18) - CS01
appoint-corporate-secretary-company-with-name-date (2023-02-14) - AP04
change-registered-office-address-company-with-date-old-address-new-address (2023-02-09) - AD01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2023-01-08) - AA
appoint-person-director-company-with-name-date (2023-02-09) - AP01
keyboard_arrow_right 2022
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2022-01-06) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2022-09-22) - CS01
keyboard_arrow_right 2021
termination-director-company-with-name-termination-date (2021-12-13) - TM01
confirmation-statement-with-updates (2021-09-29) - CS01
notification-of-a-person-with-significant-control (2021-02-22) - PSC02
cessation-of-a-person-with-significant-control (2021-02-22) - PSC07
keyboard_arrow_right 2020
legacy (2020-09-09) - CAP-SS
resolution (2020-09-09) - RESOLUTIONS
capital-name-of-class-of-shares (2020-09-02) - SH08
capital-statement-capital-company-with-date-currency-figure (2020-09-09) - SH19
legacy (2020-09-09) - SH20
legacy (2020-12-01) - SH20
capital-statement-capital-company-with-date-currency-figure (2020-12-01) - SH19
capital-variation-of-rights-attached-to-shares (2020-09-02) - SH10
resolution (2020-12-01) - RESOLUTIONS
confirmation-statement-with-updates (2020-09-22) - CS01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2020-12-22) - AA
legacy (2020-12-01) - CAP-SS
keyboard_arrow_right 2019
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2019-10-10) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2019-09-17) - CS01
appoint-person-director-company-with-name-date (2019-02-06) - AP01
termination-director-company-with-name-termination-date (2019-02-05) - TM01
keyboard_arrow_right 2018
confirmation-statement-with-updates (2018-09-18) - CS01
resolution (2018-12-11) - RESOLUTIONS
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2018-11-30) - AA
capital-statement-capital-company-with-date-currency-figure (2018-12-11) - SH19
legacy (2018-12-11) - SH20
legacy (2018-12-11) - CAP-SS
keyboard_arrow_right 2017
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2017-09-25) - CS01
change-sail-address-company-with-old-address-new-address (2017-09-25) - AD02
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2017-10-02) - AA
termination-director-company-with-name-termination-date (2017-11-21) - TM01
appoint-person-director-company-with-name-date (2017-11-22) - AP01
resolution (2017-12-13) - RESOLUTIONS
capital-allotment-shares (2017-12-29) - SH01
keyboard_arrow_right 2016
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2016-10-13) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-updates (2016-09-27) - CS01
keyboard_arrow_right 2015
change-registered-office-address-company-with-date-old-address-new-address (2015-02-19) - AD01
move-registers-to-sail-company-with-new-address (2015-10-06) - AD03
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2015-10-06) - AR01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2015-10-14) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2014
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2014-10-08) - AA
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2014-09-23) - AR01
move-registers-to-registered-office-company-with-new-address (2014-09-23) - AD04
change-corporate-secretary-company-with-change-date (2014-09-23) - CH04
termination-director-company-with-name (2014-05-08) - TM01
appoint-person-director-company-with-name (2014-05-08) - AP01
appoint-person-director-company-with-name (2014-04-24) - AP01
keyboard_arrow_right 2013
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2013-10-14) - AR01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2013-10-04) - AA
change-person-director-company-with-change-date (2013-09-11) - CH01
termination-director-company-with-name (2013-05-01) - TM01
keyboard_arrow_right 2012
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2012-10-09) - AR01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2012-10-04) - AA
termination-director-company-with-name (2012-03-09) - TM01
appoint-person-director-company-with-name (2012-03-09) - AP01
keyboard_arrow_right 2011
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2011-04-05) - AA
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2011-10-18) - AR01
keyboard_arrow_right 2010
move-registers-to-sail-company (2010-10-28) - AD03
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2010-10-26) - AR01
change-sail-address-company (2010-10-26) - AD02
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2010-10-03) - AA
change-person-director-company-with-change-date (2010-09-14) - CH01
keyboard_arrow_right 2009
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2009-11-03) - AA
legacy (2009-10-02) - 363a
legacy (2009-08-26) - 288c
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2009-03-31) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2008
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2008-10-15) - AA
legacy (2008-11-21) - 363a
keyboard_arrow_right 2007
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2007-06-11) - AA
legacy (2007-02-23) - 288a
legacy (2007-02-23) - 288b
legacy (2007-10-21) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 2006
legacy (2006-10-12) - 363a
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2006-01-04) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2005
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2005-02-24) - AA
legacy (2005-08-30) - 288a
legacy (2005-11-02) - 244
legacy (2005-10-17) - 363a
legacy (2005-10-14) - 288b
keyboard_arrow_right 2004
legacy (2004-10-26) - 244
legacy (2004-10-05) - 363s
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2004-01-08) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2003
legacy (2003-10-28) - 244
legacy (2003-09-29) - 363s
auditors-resignation-company (2003-04-07) - AUD
legacy (2003-04-02) - 88(3)
legacy (2003-04-02) - 88(2)R
certificate-change-of-name-company (2003-03-12) - CERTNM
legacy (2003-03-06) - 123
resolution (2003-03-06) - RESOLUTIONS
keyboard_arrow_right 2002
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2002-03-29) - AA
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2002-11-04) - AA
legacy (2002-10-21) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 2001
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2001-02-05) - AA
legacy (2001-09-26) - 363s
legacy (2001-09-10) - 244
keyboard_arrow_right 2000
legacy (2000-04-17) - 288b
legacy (2000-04-17) - 88(2)R
legacy (2000-04-17) - 123
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2000-02-03) - AA
resolution (2000-04-17) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (2000-04-01) - 403a
legacy (2000-04-17) - 288a
legacy (2000-04-17) - 225
certificate-change-of-name-company (2000-07-27) - CERTNM
legacy (2000-10-24) - 225
legacy (2000-10-24) - 244
legacy (2000-11-01) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 1999
legacy (1999-07-26) - 288a
legacy (1999-07-26) - 288b
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (1999-05-06) - AA
legacy (1999-03-01) - 288b
legacy (1999-10-22) - 244
legacy (1999-10-18) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 1998
legacy (1998-10-21) - 288a
resolution (1998-10-20) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1998-02-23) - 244
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (1998-05-31) - AA
certificate-change-of-name-company (1998-07-13) - CERTNM
legacy (1998-07-17) - 288a
legacy (1998-07-17) - 288b
memorandum-articles (1998-07-27) - MEM/ARTS
legacy (1998-10-09) - 225
legacy (1998-10-09) - 363s
resolution (1998-07-25) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1998-11-09) - 288b
keyboard_arrow_right 1997
legacy (1997-10-15) - 363s
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1997-02-25) - AA
certificate-change-of-name-company (1997-02-14) - CERTNM
keyboard_arrow_right 1996
legacy (1996-10-14) - 363s
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1996-01-25) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 1995
selection-of-mortgage-documents-registered-before-January-1995 (1995-01-01) - PRE95M
selection-of-documents-registered-before-January-1995 (1995-01-01) - PRE95
legacy (1995-03-30) - 288
legacy (1995-10-02) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 1994
legacy (1994-09-21) - 363s
legacy (1994-03-11) - 288
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1994-09-21) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 1993
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1993-10-18) - AA
legacy (1993-09-23) - 363s
legacy (1993-07-13) - 288
keyboard_arrow_right 1992
legacy (1992-03-27) - 403a
legacy (1992-06-10) - 288
legacy (1992-07-06) - 288
resolution (1992-07-28) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1992-07-28) - 53
re-registration-memorandum-articles (1992-07-28) - MAR
certificate-re-registration-public-limited-company-to-private (1992-07-28) - CERT10
legacy (1992-08-04) - 225(2)
legacy (1992-10-02) - 363b
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1992-11-10) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 1991
legacy (1991-01-08) - 288
certificate-change-of-name-company (1991-03-20) - CERTNM
accounts-with-accounts-type-interim (1991-07-27) - AA
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1991-10-07) - AA
resolution (1991-08-07) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1991-10-23) - 363b
resolution (1991-08-29) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1991-08-07) - 123
keyboard_arrow_right 1990
legacy (1990-04-03) - 225(1)
miscellaneous (1990-04-09) - MISC
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1990-10-09) - AA
legacy (1990-10-04) - 288
resolution (1990-10-09) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1990-08-20) - PUC 2
legacy (1990-10-09) - 363
keyboard_arrow_right 1989
legacy (1989-10-09) - 363
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1989-10-09) - AA
legacy (1989-10-05) - 395
legacy (1989-02-07) - 288
keyboard_arrow_right 1988
legacy (1988-07-05) - 123
legacy (1988-09-08) - 363
accounts-with-accounts-type-full-group (1988-09-08) - AA
legacy (1988-10-19) - 403a
legacy (1988-02-08) - 288
legacy (1988-10-21) - 288
legacy (1988-10-19) - 395
keyboard_arrow_right 1987
legacy (1987-07-29) - PUC(U)
legacy (1987-06-15) - 288
resolution (1987-06-13) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (1987-06-08) - 395
legacy (1987-05-08) - PUC(U)
legacy (1987-04-11) - 287
certificate-change-of-name-company (1987-03-10) - CERTNM
legacy (1987-01-12) - REREG(U)
certificate-incorporation (1987-01-07) - CERTINC
legacy (1987-10-22) - PUC(U)