Solvay Chemicals Finland Oy - PL 1, 45910, VOIKKAA, Finland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 0161510-3
- Company Status
- Country
- Finland
- Registered Address
- PL 1
- 45910
- Finland PL 1, 45910, VOIKKAA, Finland FI
- Officers
- Laurila Paula Karola (Joint Holder of Procuration)
- Myöhänen Teppo Tapio (Joint Holder of Procuration)
- Ernst & Young Oy (Auditor)
- Juonala Panu Juhani (Auditor with principal responsibility)
- Myöhänen Teppo Tapio (Managing Director)
- Myöhänen Teppo Tapio (Chairperson of the Board of Directors)
- Berger Michel (Member of the Board of Directors)
- Giannuzzi Marco (Member of the Board of Directors)
- Laine Jan Erik (Member of the Board of Directors)
- Mednyánszky Dániel (Deputy member of the Board of Directors)
- Roche Teddy, Raphael (Deputy member of the Board of Directors)
- Salmela-Mäkelä Nina Johanna (Deputy member of the Board of Directors)
- Van Vlaenderen Céline Christine J. (Deputy member of the Board of Directors)
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Osakeyhtiö
- Incorporated
- 1970-10-16
- Age Of Company 1970-10-16 54 years
- Activity
- Toimiala: Yhtiön toimialana on valmistaa ja markkinoida vetyperoksidia ja muita kemian teollisuuden tuotteita.
- Capital
- 8409396.32 Euro
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Company Name (english)
- Solvay Chemicals Finland Oy
- Additional Status Details
- Registered
- VAT Number
- FI01615103
- Unique Company Identification (Reid)
- FIPATREK.01615103-52
Solvay Chemicals Finland Oy Company Description
- Solvay Chemicals Finland Oy is a Osakeyhtiö registered in Finland with the Company reg no 0161510-3. Its current trading status is "not reported". It was registered 1970-10-16. The declared activity is Toimiala: Yhtiön toimialana on valmistaa ja markkinoida vetyperoksidia ja muita kemian teollisuuden tuotteita.. It can be contacted at Pl 1 .
- 1970-10-16
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
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Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Register Check
Brief check for the existence of the company