Feriefonden f Hotel- & Rest.erhv. - Vodroffsvej 32, FREDERIKSBERG, 1900, Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 34498458
- Company Status
- Country
- Denmark
- Registered Address
- Vodroffsvej 32
- 1900
- Frederiksberg C Vodroffsvej 32, FREDERIKSBERG, 1900, Frederiksberg C DK
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 2011-01-01
- Age Of Company 2011-01-01 14 years
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Company Name (english)
- The holiday Fund for Hotel-& Residual. erhv.
- Additional Status Details
- Aktiv
- Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
- 549300W36U79BRCUK436
- Unique Company Identification (Reid)
- DKES.34498458-77
Feriefonden f Hotel- & Rest.erhv. Company Description
- Feriefonden f Hotel- & Rest.erhv. is a Interessentskab registered in Denmark with the Company reg no 34498458. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2011-01-01. It can be contacted at Vodroffsvej 32 .
Get Feriefonden f Hotel- & Rest.erhv. Register ReportBeneficial Owners CheckAnnual Accounts
You are here: Feriefonden F Hotel- & Rest.erhv. - Vodroffsvej 32, FREDERIKSBERG, 1900, Frederiksberg C, Denmark
- 2011-01-01
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Feriefonden f Hotel- & Rest.erhv. as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Beneficial Owners Check
Beneficial Owners details
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year