Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont - , Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 55011779097
- Company Status
- Country
- Switzerland
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Court
- CH/Vaud
Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont Company Description
- Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont is registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no 55011779097. Its current trading status is "live". It can be contacted at .
Get Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont Register Report
You are here: Café-Restaurant Du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont - , Switzerland
Announcement from ZEFIX
- 2023-12-28 Striking off
- Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont, à Saint-Saphorin (Lavaux), CHE-*.*.* (FOSC du *.*.*, p. */*). L'entreprise individuelle est radiée par suite de cessation d'activité.
Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Café-Restaurant du Raisin Jean-Luc Dal Pont as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence