Deutscher Bundestag/Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Platz der Republik 1, 11011, BERLIN, Belgium
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 0833.759.342
- Company Status
- Country
- Belgium
- Registered Address
- Platz der Republik 1
- 11011
- BERLIN Platz der Republik 1, 11011, BERLIN BE
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Buitenlandse of internationale publieke organisatie
- Incorporated
- 2011-01-01
- Activity
- Extraterritoriale organisaties en lichamen
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- Activiteitstopzetting in België (buitenlandse entiteit)
- Unique Company Identification (Reid)
- BE.0833.759.342-37
- Branch Offices
- de Meeûssquare 40
- 1000
- Brussel
de Meeûssquare 40, 1000, Brussel BE
Deutscher Bundestag/Bundesrepublik Deutschland Company Description
- Deutscher Bundestag/Bundesrepublik Deutschland is a Buitenlandse of internationale publieke organisatie registered in Belgium with the Company reg no 0833.759.342. Its current trading status is "closed". It was registered 2011-01-01. The declared activity is Extraterritoriale organisaties en lichamen. It can be contacted at Platz Der Republik 1 .
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Registration Details
Records on the company status