Product error messages

Posted 2025-01-02 | Updated 2025-02-18

Content of this guide


This guide dives into the most common HTTP error codes related to the product endpoints of KYC API V2, offering insights into what they mean, why they occur, and how to effectively address them.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_UPDATE_INVALID_ACTION The order you have tried to resume/abort, is NOT currently paused!
400 ERR_PRODUCT_UPDATE_INVALID_ACTION Can’t resume this order, check if the orderId passed is correct. It is not a valid UBO order
403 ERR_PRODUCT_RETRIEVE_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN Not allowed to view this order.
404 ERR_PRODUCT_RETRIEVE_ORDER_NOT_FOUND No order available for specified id.
410 ERR_PRODUCT_RETRIEVE_ORDER_FAILED The order you requested has failed or is unavailable.
412 ERR_PRODUCT_RETRIEVE_ORDER_NOT_READY Order not ready to retrieve yet! Try again later
500 ERR_PRODUCT_UPDATE_SERVER_ERROR An unexpected error appeared during processing. Please try again later.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_CONTENT_WRONG_DOCUMENT_TYPE The document type in header is wrong.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_INVALID_COMP No company was found with the given kompanyId. Make sure you pass a valid company identifier. The identifier should be a 32-byte hexadecimal string as returned, for instance, by the searching endpoints.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_MISSING_DETAILS Your request could not be executed because some required parameters are missing. Check the error message returned for more information.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_CONFLICTING_CC_COMPANY The provided company is from a different country than the country provided in the dataset request. Make sure if you have provided the correct country code.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_MISSING_THRESHOLD_FEATURE If you want to be asked for confirmation if the costs of a concierge request exceed a certain threshold, please get in contact with The available levels are 100€, 200€, and 300€.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_CONTACT_REQUIRED Please provide a contact email or contact phone number so our concierge team can contact you with potential questions about the order.
400 ERR_CONCIERGE_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter detected. Please check the documentation.
403 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_MISSING_FEATURE Your KYC API plan is currently not allowed to request concierge orders. Please contact Customer Support team if you think there is a misconfiguration. Otherwise, if you would be interested in adding the concierge feature to your plan, please contact
404 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_CC_EXPRESS_NOT_AVAIL Express orders are currently not supported for the given country. Please try to order with standard priority instead.
404 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_CC_NOT_AVAIL The country you have provided was invalid or is not currently supported in our system. Make sure to use the correct two-letter ISO code (
500 ERR_PRODUCT_BUSINESS_CONCIERGE_SERVER_ERROR An unexpected error appeared during request execution. Please retry the request or get in contact with Customer Support team if the error persists.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_LAND_BAD_REQUEST The parameters provided to the endpoint were missing or invalid. Please check your POST body.
400 ERR_LANDREGISTER_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter detected. Please check the documentation.
404 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_LAND_NOT_AVAILABLE The combination of propertyId and districtId did not yield a valid result.
404 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_LAND_NOT_ENABLED The country for which you have tried to request the landregister product is not enabled.
500 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_LAND_SERVER_ERROR Server error in Product Order Land.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_BAD_REQUEST The parameters sent with the request were not valid.
400 ERR_WRONG_PRODUCT_ORDER_PARAM The JSON parameters were wrong.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_COUNTRY_MISMATCH The provided sku does not match the company country! Please make sure to use a valid sku.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter detected. Please check the documentation.
403 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_MISSING_FEATURE Your KYC API plan is not allowed to order products of the provided type (SKU). Please contact Customer Support team if you think there is a misconfiguration.
404 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_COMP_NOT_FOUND No company with provided subjectId found.
412 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_NOT_AVAILABLE Unfortunately, the requested product is not currently available on the Registry for the given company.
422 ERR_PRODUCT_AVAIL_PRODUCT_DISABLED This product is currently disabled
500 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_SERVER_ERROR An unexpected error appeared during request execution. Please retry the request or get in contact with Customer Support team if the error persists.
503 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_PROVIDER_ERROR The data provider, from which the product was ordered, failed to respond correctly. Please try your request again.
503 ERR_PRODUCT_ORDER_DUPLICATION We cannot proceed to your order at the moment. Please try again.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_BAD_REQUEST A mandatory parameter is missing. Please check your input parameters
400 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_CC_NOT_AVAILABLE UBO Discovery currently not available for provided company/jurisdiction
400 ERR_UBO_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter detected. Please check the documentation.
403 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_MISSING_FEATURE Your account is not provisioned for UBO access
403 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_MISSING_CUSTOM_FEATURE Custom features not provisioned for this account
429 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_CONCURRENT_ORDERS_EXCEEDED Maximum number of open UBO requests exceeded
500 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_SERVER_ERROR An unexpected error appeared during request execution. Please retry the request or get in contact with Customer Support team if the error persists.
513 ERR_PRODUCT_UBO_PROVIDER_ERROR The UBO report ordering process failed during processing. Please try again later!


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_AVAIL_COUNTRY_MISMATCH The provided productType does not match the company country! Please use a valid productType.
400 ERR_PRODUCT_AVAIL_TOO_MANY_MATCHES Too many matches found for product availability query.


Error code and message Description
400 ERR_PRODUCT_SEARCH_BAD_REQUEST The parameters sent with the request were not valid.