Developer news
Australian connection enhanced with a new source
We are happy to announce that we have an extension for our live connection to the Australian jurisdiction. Since early December we are connected also to the Australia Business Register (ABR) to get data in real-time about Sole Traders, Partnerships and Trusts. This new connection won’t affect the other legal forms, which are received via a live connection to Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC).
This new integration is available on KYC API only and the offered services are:
- Live search by number
- Live search by name
- Refresh dataset
The data about the entities contains various datapoints, including legalForm and providedStatus.
Searches return entities only from the following legal forms: Individual/Sole Trader; legal forms containing in the title the words ‘Trust’ (62 subtypes) and ‘Partnership’ (11 subtypes). To perform a search (live or index), it is necessary to use the ABR extension parameter.
It is important to mention that the contents of the name field varies according to the type of entity: for Sole Traders, it is the concatenation of the given name, other given name and family name (in that order); for the other cases (Trusts, Partnerships), it is what the ABR calls “Main Name”. The otherName contains the Business Name, separated by commas if more than one exists.
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.kompany.com/api/v1/company/deepsearch/name/au/ford?extension=ABR' \
--header 'user_key: {secret}
"id": "063F778A5C82A2A2F8571DA0A11F2C5B",
"country": "AU",
"registrationNumber": "60978428412",
"requestTime": 1669886741,
"lastUpdate": 1669810699,
"id": "E643DB63F8E8C451A44FF169464C03CF",
"country": "AU",
"registrationNumber": "60876347292",
"name": "The Trustee for MM Bird Family Trust",
"requestTime": 1669886741,
"lastUpdate": 1669810699,
"id": "kompanyId",
"country": "AU",
"registrationNumber": "60978428412",
"status": "LIVE",
"address": [
"NSW 2257"
"formattedAddress": {
"state": "NSW",
"zip": "2257",
"cc": "AU"
"managingDirectors": [],
"secretaries": [],
"dateOfIncorporation": "2007-07-01",
"legalForm": "Individual/Sole Trader",
"sicNaceCodes": [],
"extraData": {
"providedStatus": "Active",
"otherName": "Fordtile"
"requestTime": 1669887421,
"lastUpdate": 1669886959,
"typeOfOwnership": [],
"officialNumber": [
"mainSourceName": "Australian Business Register",