Developer news
Denmark (DK) – Updates regarding the Refresh dataset
Posted 2023-01-19
Updated 2023-02-02
In February we are releasing a couple of improvements in regards to the data mapping. One of these touches our Danish connection and the data we receive from VIRK. The changes will be reflected in the Refresh dataset.
Refresh dataset details
The Refresh dataset will contain improved and new mapping for the following datapoints:
- formattedAddress.City – we are improving the accuracy of the address making sure the cities are mapped independently within the formatted address;
- sicNaceCodes – we will get not only ‘Branche Kode'(the Danish NACE code), but also the ‘Branche Tekst’ (Danish Industry Description);
- activity will contain data that represents the most recent company activity;
- extraData.OtherName will correspond to the Danish trade name list (‘Nyeste Binavne’);
- in order to map former business names, we are adding a new extraData.oldName field;
- to understand if the company is listed on stock exchange, we are adding a new extraData.listed field, which can contain the values ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
Please note
- When formattedAddress.City is absent, you can use formattedAddress.Extra to populate the data for the city.
Please see below a json example of the Refresh dataset:
"id": "",
"country": "DK",
"registrationNumber": "",
"name": "",
"status": "LIVE",
"address": [
"formattedAddress": {
"street": "",
"number": "",
"zip": "",
"city": "Kølkær",
"region": "",
"country": "",
"extra": "HERNING",
"cc": "DK"
"managingDirectors": [],
"secretaries": [],
"dateOfIncorporation": "",
"legalForm": "",
"sicNaceCodes": [
"439100 - Tagdækningsvirksomhed"
"extraData": {
"listed": "N",
"providedStatus": "",
"activity": "",
"capital": "",
"currency": ""
"requestTime": ,
"lastUpdate": ,
"typeOfOwnership": [],
"people": {
"shareholder": [
"officer": [
"officialNumber": [
"mainSourceName": "Danish Business Authority (VIRK)"